Earl’s “Homecoming” Visit to Nelson


    This past weekend our friend, monthly writer in NCL, and legend, Earl Hamner came back to home to Nelson County. We’ll have lots more about Earl in our May issue, but here’s a peek of his visit the weekend of March 24-25th.

    We can’t say enough good about Earl and all of the contributions he’s made to our magazine, this county, and this country.


    This is Earl and his sister, Audrey, from near Roanoke, signing books for Ronnie and Doug Johnson from Vermont at the Walton’s Mountain B & B in Schuyler. They drove down to to see Earl at the VA Festival of the Book in Charlottesville and here in Nelson. Nice folks. We met them a couple of years ago when Earl was back here for his biography released by James Person. Doug and Ronnie have become nice friends of ours. We always look forward to seeing them whenever they are down this way!


    1. The beauty of last Sunday, 29 April, put Linda and me on the Big Blue Goldwing. Soon we were in Schuyler, mostly be chance, and found the Walton’s Mountain Museum in the old school. It was our first visit, and helped reinforce the wonderful reading we are doing in “Generous Women” – as Linda got her personal signed copy while Mr. Hamner was in the County. [gh]


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