Devils Backbone Brewery Holds Test Run : Opens Friday!

Photos By Tommy Stafford : John Howard of DBBC serves up samples of the scrumptious food to Greg & Linda Heuer of Winterhaven at Tuesday's trial soft opening.
Photos By Tommy Stafford : John Howard of DBBC serves up samples of the scrumptious food to Greg & Linda Heuer of Winterhaven at Tuesday's trial soft opening.

It’s just about official! Devil’s Backbone Brewing Company (DBBC) is readying for the real thing. This will make the second Nelson brewery to open after Blue Mountain Brewery in Afton opened just over a year ago.

Tuesday night DBBC held the first of three private soft opens to give the staff a chance to rev up for the real thing Friday when DBBC opens to the public. In what was sort of a local who’s who of attendees, Nelson’s second microbrewery and restaurant performed flawlessly!

Dr. Margie Flather (left) and Kay Phaltz of Basic Necessities in Nellysford, chat it up with Taylor Smack And Matt Nucci  of Blue Mountain Brewery
Dr. Margie Flather (left) and Kay Phaltz of Basic Necessities in Nellysford, chat it up with Taylor Smack And Matt Nucci of Blue Mountain Brewery

As we have been telling you for over a year , DBBC has been working feverishly to get open by Thanksgiving of this year. They have made it! The first run went without a hitch and the microbrews along with the food, simply fantastic! The ribs, and wings, magnificent! Once open this Friday, the smoke free brewery / restaurant will be open 7 days a week serving both lunch and dinner.

Francesca San Giorgio (left) and husband Alain (Meander Inn B & B) along with daughter Catalina and friends try out the food.
Francesca San Giorgio (left) and husband Alain (Meander Inn B & B) along with daughter Catalina and friends try out the food.
A DBBC waitress brings out a sampler tray of the microbrews at Nelson's newest brewery and restaurant.
A DBBC waitress brings out a sampler tray of the microbrews at Nelson's newest brewery and restaurant.
Steve Crandall, (left) founder of DBBC chats it up with Chris Allwood of Eades Distillery in Lovingston and Nelson Sheriff David Brooks.
Steve Crandall, (left) founder of DBBC chats it up with Chris Allwood of Eades Distillery in Lovingston and Nelson Sheriff David Brooks.
Yea, you knew we'd sneak one in! Adam Stafford hangs out with Mallory Crandall while mom and dad are covering this story! Adam says, YES there is a children's menu!
Yea, you knew we'd sneak one in! Adam Stafford hangs out with Mallory Crandall while mom and dad are covering this story! Adam says, YES there is a children's menu!
Guests were given a tour of the brewing facility.
Guests were given a tour of the brewing facility.
 Kathy & Martin Versluys of Acorn Inn B & B check out the bar area of the brewery.
Kathy & Martin Versluys of Acorn Inn B & B check out the bar area of the brewery.
Sherry Wheeler, owner of Ambrosia Bakery & Deli, in Nellysford laughs it up at Tuesday's test run.
Sherry Wheeler, owner of Ambrosia Bakery & Deli, in Nellysford laughs it up at Tuesday's test run.
Dueling brewmasters (actually friends) Jason Oliver of DBBC left and Taylor Smack of Blue Mountain Brewery in Afton, talk about, what else...brewing beer!
Dueling brewmasters (actually friends) Jason Oliver of DBBC left and Taylor Smack of Blue Mountain Brewery in Afton, talk about, what else...brewing beer!
Orquida and Dan Ingraham of Afton Mountain B & B get their chance at the local brews!
Orquida and Dan Ingraham of Afton Mountain B & B get their chance at the local brews!
Steve congratulates one of the staff on a fantastic night!
Steve congratulates one of the staff on a fantastic night!
Ok, so another one we slipped in, of Adam, Mallory, and Alain chatting it up.
Ok, so another one we slipped in, of Adam, Mallory, and Alain chatting it up.
Executive Chef, Shawn Goodwin, talks with Veritas Vineyard & Winery owner Andrew Hodson Tuesday night.
Executive Chef, Shawn Goodwin, talks with Veritas Vineyard & Winery owner Andrew Hodson Tuesday night.
The new brewery features a bar area along with a spacious dining room.
The new brewery features a bar area along with a spacious dining room.

Congrats to DBBC on a great first night of trying out the wheels. DBBC opens this Friday November 21st!


  1. Can’t wait to check out the beautiful brewery in person wishes for a successful (hard?) opening Friday! DC misses Jason horribly tho : (

  2. What a fabulous new brewery! Jason’s beers are the BEST! Pete and I can’t wait to see it all & drink it all in person.

  3. Well, thanks for leading the story with our picture. We truly enjoyed ourselves at the pre-opening party. The brews and food are fabulous and the place is a wonderful lodge here in our Blue Ridge. Steve realized his dream, and we’ll help him keep it going. Good food, great service, wonderful atmosphere.


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