Major Phone & Wireless Outage Reported Across Nelson

Many people across Nelson County are reporting little or no phone and cell service Tuesday afternoon.

Nelson County, Virginia
NCL is receiving reports of a major phone outage across Nelson County and nearby areas. Specifically most all routine Nelson government offices are experiencing phone problems. Additionally residents of Wintergreen are reporting the same problems. NCL has been having difficulties connecting long some calls.

However, Nelson Sheriff David Brooks tells NCL that 911 services appear to be working thus far.

Some reports coming into our office through other Nelson Government officials tell us they have received information of a major cable cut near Lynchburg affecting telephone, cell and data circuits all over the area. The outage is affecting many different carriers of both wireless and landline services.

More as we know.


  1. Our business on the Nelson County southern border, has been without business phone service (land line) since 1:ooPM. We also had an electrical surge around the same time, the third such surge in two weeks, which caused minor application damage and affected one company web server. Our cell service via Verizon.


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