Devils Backbone Holds Spring Peek Of New Distilling Company

©2018 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By Tommy Stafford : Devils Backbone Founder Steve Crandall chats it up with Josh Grinnan this past Wednesday afternoon - March 28, 2018 during a Spring Sneak Peek at the soon to open Devils Backbone Distillery located just next door to the original Devils Backbone Brewing Basecamp in Roseland, Virginia.
©2018 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By Tommy Stafford : Devils Backbone Founder Steve Crandall chats it up with Josh Grinnan this past Wednesday afternoon – March 28, 2018 during a Spring Peek at Devils Backbone Distilling Company located just next door to the original Devils Backbone Brewing Basecamp in Roseland, Virginia.

Nelson County, Virginia

Nelly’s Apple Brandy, Virginia Pine Gin and Mountain Cane Rum Cocktails were all topics of discussion at the Spring Peek of Nelson’s newest distillery. Devils Backbone Distilling Company began production several weeks ago, but gave an invitation only crowd the chance to sample some of their rum that’s available for sale now in the shop next door. The original Devils Backbone Brewing Company that opened just under 10 years ago is the inspiration for all that’s happened since.

Kaylah Lafferty holds up one of the many delicious treats served this past Wednesday afternoon during the Spring Peek held at Devils Backbone Distilling Company in Roseland, Virginia – March 28, 2018.

“Being a brewer and moving into distilling, it’s weird how just a line of like 14% alcohol separates two different worlds between beer making and distilled spirits. And I want to blue that line,” Matt Casto tells us. He’s the distiller at DB that’s making the yummy new selections!

Gibran “G” Carnevali, owner of Margaritas Mexican Grill in Nellysford (center) tries out one of the drinks made with DB Mountain Cane Silver Rum as he chats with DB’s founder Steve Crandall on the right.
We go in depth about the new distilling company at Devils Backbone. Check out the article that Yvette Stafford did in our April issue on page 35. It’s on stands now everywhere.

Above the news story our media partners over at CBS-19 did on the Spring Peek

Tony Jorge, Hospitality Manager at Devils Backbone is all smiles during the Spring Peek of the new distillery held this past Wednesday afternoon – March 28, 2018.

Right now DB Distilling Company is opening on the weekends with anticipation of longer hours as the warmer days arrive. An official grand opening is planned sometime in April.

Devils Backbone Brewing on the web by clicking here.


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