Farewell Nelson County Life – Hello BlueRidgeLife.com!

Nelson County Life™2005-2012 : On the left NCL Publishers Tommy & Yvette Stafford in their debut publisher’s picture in 2005 when Nelson County Life Magazine was launched. In those days it was just the two! (Right) Tommy & Yvette plus daughter Peyton & son Adam who have joined the crew since the magazine’s launch. January 2013 Nelson County Life became Blue Ridge Life Magazine.

Nelson County, VA

You’re seeing a duplicate our final post from the NelsonCountyLife.com website. From here on everything has now migrated to our new rebranded site, BlueRidgeLife.com. Saying so long to that old friend is bittersweet. For years and years we covered news, events and happenings there on the NCL website. Some good. Some not so good. But always with the intention of keeping our readers up to date on what was happening in Nelson. Whether it was a blizzard or a derecho, or sadly something even worse, we tried our best to let people know.

Though we’ve been in print for nearly 8 years, that NCL website launched with this first test post back on March 28, 2007 Two days after, our first breaking story on the new site was a large fire at Wintergreen Resort’s Copper Mine Restaurant. Today you’d never know anything happened. That was nearly 6 years ago now.

Not to worry, all of this web content is safe and you’ll be able to find it online with a simple search in the box to the upper right. We’re arent taking that site down anytime in the near future, we just won’t be updating it with anything new. And, we took care of taking all of that with us over to the new website here at BlueRidgeLife.com So if it appeared there, it will be here as well.

While Yvette does the layout and design of the print magazine, I have pretty much been the one handling the website daily. That will still be the case on this BRL site as well. I’ve met many of you here online and had the great fortune of meeting many of you in person. It’s been wonderful and the best is just beginning!

For the Nelson friends we’ve made over time, we’re not leaving Nelson. Not a chance! We love this county and it’s our home. But we are expanding our reach as far as the story territory, and we’ll slowly be adding new distribution locations in the coming months of 2013 into 2014. It’s a slow process, but we’ll be showing up over time in more and more spots. And yes, we will still be doing Nelson stories too!

So as the New Year begins, let’s get started here on BlueRidgeLife.com!


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