WPA Summer Music Fesitval Winds Down This Weekend : 7.31.09

 	Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2009 www.NelsonCountyLife.com : Wintergreen Performing Arts' Summer Music Festival Winds Up This Weekend On August 2nd.
Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2009 www.NelsonCountyLife.com : Wintergreen Performing Arts' Summer Music Festival Winds Up This Weekend On August 2nd.

Nelson County, Virginia

It’s been a packed month of performances throughout July at the annual Summer Music Festival organized by Wintergreen Performing Arts. Though there’s still plenty ahead after the WSMF ends this weekend, Sunday marks the official end of that particular festival. There will be so many activities taking place you will definitely need to check the WPA site to keep up with them all! Click here to see the events taking place Friday through Sunday.

After this weekend’s festival winds up, much more is ahead. In mid-August The 4th Annual Blue Ridge Mountain Music Fest will be taking place in the Evans Center on the Mountain on August 15th.

Enjoy your weekend!



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