Board Of Supervisors : 3.26.09


Thursday, March 26, 2009

PRESENT: Mr. Allen Hale, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Tommy Harvey

SHERIFF DEPARTMENT PRESENTATION ? Capt. Ron Robertson presented a report on
the Sheriff Department?s activities and planned programs for the future. He
noted the establishment of patrol sectors so that all areas of the County
will see deputies more frequently. A private tip line for reporting
information to the Department at (877) 570-TIPS has also been established.
He said there are currently enough officer positions, but Sheriff Brooks
would like to get four new deputy positions to accommodate new demands and
programs. In the short term, he requests that both County-funded positions
be filled. One of the positions is currently empty and under a temporary
hiring freeze, and the other will be vacant effective April 1. In addition,
four new positions will be needed to provide security at the front door to
the new Courthouse complex (2 officers) and one each for the transport of
prisoners and a new truck safety program. Mr. Carter said that Federal
funding is available for new officer positions, and asked the Board if they
wished for him to make an application before an April 12 deadline for the
funds. He said the Federal money would pay for the first three years of
salary and benefits, but the County would be responsible for at least a 4th
year (at a cost to the County of approximately $59,000 per officer). Mr.
Harvey made a motion and the Board voted in favor of continuing to fill the
two existing, County-funded positions. The Board also voted to apply for a
Federal grant under the COPS program for two new deputy positions.

PART-TIME REGISTRAR OF ELECTIONS ? The Board approved a job description for
a new substitute Registrar of Elections to assist the Registrar of Elections
(for up to 2 ½ days per week) during very busy election periods or to fill
in when the Registrar is travelling. Ms. Jackie Clark, the newly appointed
Registrar, explained to the Board why additional funds were needed for the
remainder of the current fiscal year, and the Board approved the requested

FY 09-10 BUDGET PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX RELIEF ? A decision on the percentage
of tax relief for qualified vehicles (e.g. vehicles used for personal use)
from the personal property tax was deferred until the Board?s next meeting
in April, because new information has just been received from the State that
must be considered.

previous budget sessions, the Board decided to maintain all local tax rates
on property at the same rates as 2008. The rates, levied on $100 of
assessed value, are:

Real Property Tax $0.55
Tangible Personal Property $2.95
Machinery & Tools $1.25
Mobile Home Tax $0.55

to authorize the County Administrator and the Board Chairman to contract
with Wiley/Wilson to provide a subdivision plat ($4,730) and engineering
services ($38,180) for the Cove Valley Collection Site Project. The
consulting services will include Saunders Surveys as a sub- contractor of
Wiley/Wilson. The County will proceed with purchase of the land once
suitability of the site with respect to soils and survey has been

PUBLIC COMMENT ? The current owner of the existing Schuyler Collection Site
(Mr. Steve Britt) stated that he would appreciate being kept informed of
plans for the disposition of the Schuyler site. He noted that he has been
paying taxes on the property, while the County has been using it without
payment. He requested that the County keep him better informed of changes
in use of the site. If the site is closed, he expects the County to pay for
any cleanup that may be necessary. Mr. Carter responded that he had only
recently learned that Mr. Britt was the new owner. Mr. Hale said that he
would welcome a conversation with Mr. Britt about the operation of the site
and plans for the future.

Meeting adjourned.

Special thanks to Robert McSwain for the following report!
Copyright 2000-2009 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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