Wintergreen : Wintergreen Winery Wins Medals At Finger Lakes International Wine Competition


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    Medal Winners WTG Winery
    Photography By Tommy Stafford
    Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
    Wintergreen Winery Wins Medals
    Wintergreen, Virginia

    Wintergreen Winery has been awarded three Silver medals at the Finger Lakes International Wine Competition held in Rochester, New York on March 29 & 30. Silver medals were bestowed on their 2006 Black Rock Chardonnay Reserve, 2004 Cabernet Franc and their Raspberry dessert wine. In addition, Wintergreen’s 2005 Brent’s Mountain Merlot and 2006 Viognier were awarded Bronze medals.

    Over forty five judges with national and international credentials judged over 2300 wines from across the United States and around the globe. Finger Lakes International is the only charity wine competition in the country with all profits benefiting Camp Good Days and Special Times, a program that helps children who suffer from cancer, aids, and severe abuse.

    These wines are available for tasting at the winery which is located just ½ mile off Route 151 on Route 664 in Beech Grove. These wines will also be featured at Wintergreen Winery’s upcoming 15th Anniversary Celebration on April 26th and 27th from 10am to 6pm each day. Their popular Mill Hill Apple wine will be released at this event. The tasting room, gift shop and picnic area are open daily from 10am to 6pm. For more information or directions visit their website at or call (434) 361-2519.


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