Datebook : Lovingston : Pep Rally For NCHS Boys Basketball Team : Friday 6PM 3.7.08


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Our faithful, roving NCL sports reporter, Judy Serkes sent this to us this morning. See you there! And thanks for the heads up Judy!

Judy Serkes wrote:
There will be a Pep Rally for the Boy’s Basketball Team…..
6:00 – 7:00 in the old gym at the High School. Hopefully loud and crowded
with PA, music, pep band, mascot?, cheerleaders?, hotdogs, popcorn and drinks,
beads and pom-poms. We just need to spread the word

The team will play in the quarter finals of the state
championship Saturday, March 8, 2008

This is probably in Amherst, but be sure to check on the location before heading that way!


  1. Nelson will play Chesterfield Community High School in the quarterfinal basketball game at Amherst County High Saturday, March 8, 2008. Game time is 2:00 pm and admission is $7.00 per ticket. Come out and support the Governors in their bid for a state title. Tickets on sale @ NCHS front office. Public welcome.


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