Lovingston : Wintergreen Real Estate Agents kick in $$$ for Nelson Pantry


    REFRESH Nelson County Life Magazine HERE for the latest updates:

    By Julie Benner
    Special to Nelson County Life Magazine
    Copyright 2007
    Lovingston, Virginia

    WTG RL Check
    Above far left, Joe Kincaid (WREC), Dick Carroll (WREC), Dick Nees (President of the Nelson Pantry), Marian Dixon (Vice President) & Lisa Carter (Nelson Pantry Board Member).

    Last week independent agents of Wintergreen Real Estate Company made a generous donation of $5,000 to the Nelson County Pantry, a non-profit organization that provides food to area residents who are in need. Each month the Nelson County Pantry provides food to over 175 families. With the help of several large grants and corporate gifts, as well as local churches and individual donors, the Nelson County Pantry has grown successfully since it started in 1997. The 1500 sq. foot Pantry facility is located on the property of the St. Mary’s church along 29 N in Lovingston. Student and community volunteers work together to run the program and community sponsors like the agents of Wintergreen Real Estate Company replenish their food supply. “The $5,000 contribution provided by the Wintergreen Real Estate agents will provide funds to supply food for about four months”, proclaimed Dick Nees, President of the Nelson County Pantry.


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