TASR Horse event @ Oak Ridge Estate in May – Arrington, VA


    By Tommy Stafford – NCL Magazine

    Near the end of May look for part of Oak Ridge Estate to be transformed back to the days of the old west when TASR holds its trial ride and competition. “TASR stands for Thoroughbred and Anglo Sport Horse Registry, but there will be all breeds competing in this events,” says Judith Shrum. Judith was at Oak Ridge in April marking trials and checking things out to be sure it’s ready for the May 26th and 27th event. “Our goal is to bring horse people that compete in a variety of different sports together so they can see what each other does. The North American Trail Ride Conference’s goal is to educate new riders and to educate older riders, experienced riders, and to help people prepare and train a competition worthy horse that can be on trail for a long time,” Judith continues. She and her horse, Shadow’s Shadowfacts, will make the trip from their home in Pilot, VA to compete in the event. “Shadows is the lineage, Go Boy’s Shadow. And Shadowfacts of course because I was reading the Lord of the Rings when he was born and I wanted a horse like Gandalf rode,” she laughs.
    All photos by Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine
    Judith & Horse
    Above Judith Shrum with Shadow’s Shadowfacts, takes a break from checking out the trail in April to make sure it is ready for the May event.

    “It’s fun. And we’re always looking for a new place to have a competitive trail ride and this place is gorgeous. Three weeks ago we were here doing the same thing we’re doing today except trying to find out where we were,” says Dr. Dow Strader from Bristol, Tennessee. He’s a retired thoracic surgeon. In May he and his wife, Johnnie, will be two of at least 60 making the trip to Oak Ridge for the ride.

    Dow and Amigo
    Above, Dr. Dow Strader from Bristol, TN gets ready for a practice ride with Amigo.

    Riders arrive on Friday May 25th where they can check in and chow down! The ride offers one day and two day rides in the open, novice and CP. There will be a poker run, a California Trail Ride, a Dressage Show & Hunter Place. There’s also a 6K run starting at 5Pm Saturday and a 25 mile mountain bike race on Sunday at 2PM.

    Juduth says this is not a typial race. “This is different from endurance riding because in endurance riding it’s a race and you win by being in the top ten who finish with a sound horse. But in our competition we’re trying to ride a prescribed course in a specified period of time. So we have a 30 min window in which we must finish and we are given obstacles along the way. Our horses are judged and our riders are judged by two judges.”

    If you would like more information about the race or to register online visit the NATRC site here.


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