Note To C-ville Weekly: The Skiing Is Fantastic

Screen grab of a post on ©2009 CVille Weekly : Charlottesville, Virginia : Click image for larger view
Screen grab of a post on ©2009 CVille Weekly : Charlottesville, Virginia : Click image for larger view

Nellysford – Nelson County, Virginia

Apparently our nearly two year long web coverage of the Vito’s Ristorante saga caught the attention of the folks at C-Ville Weekly. A snippet, in case you missed it:

“There’s big news in Nellysford this month. Considering that the place has less total eateries than Charlottesville has gourmet gas stations, the opening of a new restaurant there is cause for much media blitz. Nelson County Life, for one, has been following the coming of Vito’s Ristorante Italiano & Pizzeria to the old home of Grill 151 (and before that Rockfish River Grill and before that Truslow’s Restaurant) for about two years, and now that Vito’s officially opened on January 3, we’re hopeful NCL can turn to more pressing matters, like what this terribly soggy ski season at Wintergreen says about global warming.

We, however, have not covered the Vito’s story at all, so we stopped in last week to find out what the big deal is. After hauling our ass up Rockfish Valley Highway, we were quite worried to discover that other than a fresh new Vito’s sign out front, the exterior of the building is still rough and in mid-renovation. Inside, however, we found a quaint dining room, Old World-style brickwork around the kitchen and bar area, and the welcome smell of garlic, fresh bread and fresh paint. Ah.”

Yes, C-ville, it is time to address those more “pressing matters.” With round-the-clock snowmaking and last week’s toasty sub-zero temps (-7°F), we must admit: It ain’t cold enough out here.

What, oh what, will Wintergreen do? Sigh.

We may have to drown our sorrows with a six-pack from the nearest gourmet gas station. Oops. We don’t have any.

We’ll just have to settle for a locally crafted brew from one of our two fine breweries.


  1. I am amused because I have received two calls from C-ville weekly in the past few days about advertising my ski-out WTG property listings. The next time they call, I will let them know that I am too busy skiing on 23 slopes and eating at Vitos to talk.

  2. Don’t country cousins make such convenient targets of derision, as you, C’villle, look down your long hooked noses at us?
    But where, oh where will you go to enjoy a ridge-top hike, away from forty dozen other hikers? Where can you take your kids to experience the joys of winter sports fun like tubing on a wide open slope, when the local communist public planners don’t want you sledding on the local golf course, and of course the streets are full of cars heading to the nearest gourmet gas station, so that’s not an option?If you don’t want to join fifty thousand other area residents at Carter’s Mountain fruit stand/tourist destination, where do you go to get fresh peaches and apples? Where can you go trout fishing without standing within arm’s length of the next guy?
    Well, next time you seek answers to any of these questions and feel like “hauling [y]our ass up Rockfish Valley Highway” , we’ll still be here, forgiving as ever, knowing that we live in one of the most beautiful areas in the world, and with our hands out ready to accept your tourism dollars! Bring it on, C’ville.

  3. ‘scuse me, shouldn’t that be “fewer total eateries”? Eateries??? How droll. Give me restaurants please.

  4. Stay in C’ville if that’s what you LIKE. Then there will be a seat at the GREAT restaurants left for us. The key to our local success is for all of us in Nelson to support our fine new establishments, while being there to great visitors from the Big City.

  5. Ah yes, C’ville Weekly, clearly the world’s authority on global warming and gourmet gas stations. Need I say more?

  6. Usually a visit to a restaurant would include a dining review. However, from this article it appears that Cville may have just dropped in long enough to smell the garlic and fresh bread. Unfortunately they missed the fact that Vito’s has been one of Nelson’s best-kept secrets for years. Don’t believe me, then try to get in the Lovingston Vito’s on a Friday or Saturday night after a high school ball game. The media blitz stems from the many locals who eat there because they can always get a good meal at a reasonable price. If Cville went to the mountain, then somehow they also missed the fact that there is a lot of snow and skiers up there. So if stories get slow again, you may want to come back and try the Italian Sausage and Peppers dinner or the Spinach Lasagna. Ah, now we are talking. Trust me, you will not go home hungry.


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