Schuyler : Investigation Continues Into Suspected Drowning At Rock Quarry

Photo By Brianna Hamblin via our media partners at CBS19 News in Charlottesville : Police block the area entering a rock quarry in Schuyler, Virginia on Tuesday evening - June 4, 2019. Rescue crews were working to recover the body of a teenager who jumped into the quarry.
Photo By Brianna Hamblin via our media partners at CBS19 News in Charlottesville : Police block the area entering a rock quarry in Schuyler, Virginia on Tuesday evening – June 4, 2019. Rescue crews were working to recover the body of an older teen who jumped into the quarry.

Albemarle County, Virginia

The investigation surrounding a teen who jumped into a rock quarry filled with water Tuesday evening continues. Numerous rescue agencies responded to the call around 6 PM Tuesday after several of the teen’s friends watched as he dove into the water from high above. He never resurfaced after the dive. That’s when rescue was called. After searching well into the night crews were unable to recover the body.

The drowning occurred just barely into Albemarle County side of Schuyler. In the predawn hours Wednesday, Albemarle County Police released the following statement below.

The statement released from ACPD at 1:39 AM Wednesday morning. June 5, 2019

As of 12 noon Wednesday ACPD released the following information to our news partners at CBS19.

“Albemarle Police confirm the name of the missing teen is Henry Christian Morin, 18, from Doswell. They are still referring to him as a missing person”

BRL has been able to independently confirm the case is being treated as a drowning since several witnesses saw the young man jump in and never resurface.

Though ACPD won’t confirm a drowning has taken place, apparently the parents of the teen have confirmed his death in this news article to WRIC-TV. They have identified him as 18-year-old Henry Morin of Hanover. He was set to graduate high school later this month.

We have also learned that local police and deputies have issued in excess of 70 citations or summons in the past several months for people illegally trespassing into the quarry in Schuyler.

We will update this story as we have more.


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