Winter Weather Update Into Saturday Noon : (Updated 1.6.17 – 7:00 PM)


Above Meteorologist David Reese at CBS-19 with the latest as of 6PM Friday.


VDOT Latest Road Prep Info:


Motorists urged to avoid travel during icy, snowy road conditions

 LYNCHBURG – An initial blast of snow from the storm expected to end Saturday afternoon has fallen across the Lynchburg District of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). While the bulk the storm will follow, motorists are currently being urged to avoid travel during icy, snowy road conditions.  

 VDOT crews pre-treated the most heavily traveled roads across the Lynchburg District in anticipation of this storm. This treatment is used to weaken the bond snow/ice has on surfaces and allows highway crews additional time to work roads and structures.

 Motorists are reminded that snowplow operators working 12-hour shifts will work on primary routes (those numbered 1-599) until winter weather has ended and major roads are treated. VDOT’s goal is to have all state-maintained roadways passable with 48 hours after a storm has stopped. Passable does not necessarily mean the road will be clear of all frozen precipitation and with temperatures expected to be below freezing into next week, it is likely that some snow/ice will remain on surfaces.

For traffic alerts and traveler information, visit, VDOT’s 511 mobile app or call 511 from any phone in Virginia. Updates are available by following the Lynchburg District on Twitter at @VaDOTLynchburg. Additional information is also available on VDOT’s webpage at

The Lynchburg District includes the counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Buckingham, Campbell, Charlotte, Cumberland, Halifax, Nelson, Pittsylvania and Prince Edward.


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