Wintergreen – Festival of Wines


    Photography by Paul Purpura
    Nelson County Life Magazine – Copyright 2007
    Wintergreen, Virginia

    Our NCL photographer Paul Purpura spent part of the day Saturday grabbing some of these shots at Wintergreen Performing Art’s Festival of Wines on Wintergreen Mountain. Tough assignment! Wines from all across the area were there for the tasting while Brian Kingston entertained the crowd. See more in the July issue of NCL out the last week of this month.

    Crowd @ Evans


    On the lawn


    1. You bet it was a tough assignment! All those wonderful wines . . . and I had to work . . . couldn’t partake of anything . . .

      whine . . . whine . . . whine . . .

      OOPS! Wrong whine/wine.

      Seriously, as much as I love wine, I am the world’s biggest lightweight when it comes to alcohol. Would you believe I have had a hangover when after only having one beer the night before? No kidding.

      And Tommy was right after all, this was a fun assignement.

      Best regards,
      Paul Purpura


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