Rockbridge: Devils Backbone Expansion In Full Swing

Photo Courtesy of Devils Backbone: A major expansion is underway in Lexington, VA at the Devils Backbone Outpost facility.
Photo Courtesy of Devils Backbone: A major expansion is underway in Lexington, VA at the Devils Backbone Outpost facility.
Photo Courtesy of Devils Backbone: A major expansion is underway in Lexington, VA at the Devils Backbone Outpost facility.

Rockbridge County, VA

Just under two years ago we told you about Devils Backbone Brewing kicking off their second Outpost location in neighboring Rockbridge County. In that short time DBBC has become one of the fastest growing and selling craft brews in the country. To keep up with demand, a huge expansion is underway “that will house the bottling line along with a new canning line,” according to a recent post on their Facebook page.

Back at the Basecamp here in Nelson the brewery will celebrate it’s five year anniversary later this month. They were putting the finishing touches on the original brewpub around this time in 2008.

More history on the start of Devils Backbone, here, here, and here.



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