Lockn’ Presents Checks To Non-Profits

Photo Via Lockn'
Photo Via Lockn’

Albemarle County, VA

Press Release via Lockn’

Nine regional nonprofits were among the non-profit organizations to receive $2,688 each from the inaugural Lockn’ Music Festival, held early September at Oak Ridge Farm in Nelson County.

HeadCount.org coordinated the festival’s “Participation Row” – a collection of non-profit organizations present and exhibiting at the festival. The funds donated to these non-profits were raised through a silent auction organized by Head Count. Qello, a provider of full-length HD concerts and music documentaries, sponsored Participation Row and the silent auction.

In addition to the silent auction, 5,752 “actions” were taken at various non-profit booths during the festival’s four days to win a signed guitar. Also, $5000 dollars was donated to the Nelson County Pantry through FATE (Funding America Through Entertainment, http://supportfate.org/) organization along with 1500 pounds of food through the efforts of Conscious Alliance (http://www.consciousalliance.org/).
Nelson County Pantry’s Executive Director Marian Dixon said: “The Nelson County Pantry is very grateful for all the support we received from the Lockn’ Festival. Our local residents who are in most need are the beneficiaries.”

Funds were distributed to:
Appalachian Voices: http://www.appalachianvoices.org/
Feed RVA: www.feedrva.org
Instrumental Giving Fund: www.instrumentalgivingfund.org
Music Resource Center: www.musicresourcecenter.org
Nelson County Pantry Bureau: www.nelsoncounty-va.gov
North Branch School: www.northbranchschool.wordpress.com
Park School: www.parkschoolva.org
Wild Virginia: http://www.wildvirginia.org/: www.nelsoncountypantry.org
Nelson County Tourism

Lockn’ Music Festival featured over thirty local and national artists performing for an audience of 25,000 attendees, and offering never seen before musical collaborations. JamBase writer Bill Clifford said in a September online review, “they’ve [co-founders Dave Frey and Peter Shapiro] found what may be one of the most wonderful outdoor concert venues in the country.”


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