Winter Storm Pounds Area : 2.6.10 : Photos/Audio Updated : 5PM

Photo By Heidi Crandall : ©2010 : A driver works with his snow plow to clear the intersection at Route 151 & 664 headed up to Wintergreen.
Photo By Heidi Crandall : ©2010 : A driver works with his snow plow to clear the intersection at Route 151 & 664 headed up to Wintergreen.

Nelson County, Virginia Just a mess. No other way to describe it. Winter storms continue pounding Nelson County and much of Virgina for this winter season. Just in the past week Nelson has seen its third accumulating snowfall, though this weekend’s is the most substantial so far. A Winter Storm Warning that was in effect for much of Friday and Saturday was canceled around 5PM Saturday evening. Snowfall across the area had pretty much ended by that time.


Check out all of the winter storm pics from this storm over in our Nelson Mag Facebook Album. Just click this image to go there and look!
Check out all of the winter storm pics from this storm over in our Nelson Mag Facebook Album. Just click this image to go there and look!

You can view our Winter Storm Album on Facebook by clicking here on this link:

Photo By Shelby Ralston : A tow truck driver works to remove a car from this accident along Route 151 Saturday afternoon. This was one of several caused by the winter storm.
Photo By Shelby Ralston : A tow truck driver works to remove a car from this accident along Route 151 Saturday afternoon. This was one of several caused by the winter storm.

By dark Friday about 8-10 inches of snow had already piled up after briefly changing to sleet and even freezing rain. CVEC reported several power outages across their coverage territory. Crews were working late Friday night into Saturday to clear the outages. You can view their current status map by clicking here. Other sister power companies were also reporting outages, with the largest in Henry County where 17,000 customers were without power Friday night.

Photo By Yvette Stafford : Yep, we were pretty busy here. We removed 12 inches of snow Wednesday from the roof and another 6-7 inches Friday, just to be safe!
Photo By Yvette Stafford : Yep, we were pretty busy here. We removed 12 inches of snow Wednesday from the roof and another 6-7 inches Friday, just to be safe!

Unlike the December storm, most folks were prepared for this one, at home, and not trying to get home from work as was the case with the December 19th blizzard. Snow is expected to continue Saturday but will begin tapering off in the afternoon and evening with partly cloudy skies after midnight. Snowfall totals will come in short of the 2 feet predicted due to much of the precipitation last night falling as sleet and freezing rain. We update here often, but for up to the minute updates, become a Nelson Mag friend on Facebook over at: Another storm, with less impact, is expected to affect the area by Tuesday! Yep, it’s true!


  1. Did anyone notice the cool sky show that took place on the afternoon of Feb 4th, as this storm was moving in? The sky was absolutely full of circles of light! There were Sundogs, which I am familiar with, but there was also a circular ring which surrounded the sun which I found out is called a “22 degree Halo “, then a much larger circular ring that ran through both sundogs, and the sun as well, which circled the whole sky. This big ring turns out to be a “Perhelic Arc”. There were also two additional sundog like balls on the perhelic arc, one on the Eastern part and one on the Western part of the big ring, but I can’t find any info on those. All these phenomina are caused by hexagonal crystals in the upper atmospere. I found all the above info on Wikipedia. The two photos (look up “Parhelic circle”) on that page show exactly what I saw, but they were both taken at the south pole! I wonder if this is a rare event for this area? With the exception of the Sundogs, This is the first time I have ever seen all that other stuff!

  2. Sue – I saw that on Thursday afternoon around 1PM. I’ve never seen it before and was wishing I had my camera with me snap a picture. It was beautiful. Thanks for the information on what it was we were seeing!


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