Rockfish River Elementary Honors Veterans : 11.11.09

Photos By Tommy Stafford : ©2009 : Students present the flags in front of veterans gathered at the school Wednesday morning. Click any photo for larger view.
Photos By Tommy Stafford : ©2009 : Students present the flags in front of veterans gathered at the school Wednesday morning. Click any photo for larger view.

Nelson County, Virginia

As part of their dedication to honoring veterans, Rockfish River Elementary School held their Veterans Day Program Wednesday morning.

Veterans stand as The National Anthem is played by The Nelson County High Marching Governors Band.
Veterans stand as The National Anthem is played by The Nelson County High Marching Governors Band.
This makes several years running that RRES has honored veterans.
This makes several years running that RRES has honored veterans.
Students displayed flags in honor of veterans.
Students displayed flags in honor of veterans.
Alonzo Taylor, Wintergreen Police Officer, and member of the armed service, is one of many in the military that stood up during an armed services medley played by the band.
Alonzo Taylor, Wintergreen Police Officer, and member of the armed service, is one of many in the military that stood up during an armed services medley played by the band.

In the above photo Alonzo Taylor stood during the medley. We told you about his return back in May of 2008 here.

Retired Marine Staff Sgt. Goldie Tomlin (right)  presents a flag to the parents of  Major Michael Martino. Major Martino, a chopper pilot, was killed in a November 2nd 2005 attack on his aircraft.
Retired Marine Staff Sgt. Goldie Tomlin (right) presents a flag to the parents of Major Michael Martino. Major Martino, a chopper pilot, was killed in a November 2nd 2005 attack on his aircraft.
The NCHS Marching Govs and Color Guard provided entertainment for the veterans and their families.
The NCHS Marching Govs and Color Guard provided entertainment for the veterans and their families.
A veteran waves thank you to the students at RRES Wednesday morning.
A veteran waves thank you to the students at RRES Wednesday morning.


  1. Tommy- NCL, your coverage of the Veterans Day Program at Rockfish River Elememtary School is a tremendous service to the community and to the Veterans in our area. Just speaking for me… I offer a big –Thank You.

    I can not find words worthy enough to express my feelings of gratitude and thanks to the students, faculty and staff of Rockfish River Elementary School for their Veterans Day Program. Certainly, the efforts of Ms. Nita Hughes, Principal of RRES, Ms. Stacey Johnson, Ms. Kim Chandler, Ms. Teresa Lykens, and Mr. Scott Belcher, Music Director of Nelson County High School Band and members and Flag Corps. Each played a valuable role and part in our honoring the Veterans of the area.

    It is my hope that all veterans living in the area will come out on the next Veterans Day and see for themselves what a wonderful program and tribute the students and faculty are paying to the Veterans. It was an honor and privilege to have been a part of the event.

    Semper Fidlelis

    Goldie Tomlin, SSgt. USMC 1961 to 1969 (Retired – 1970-2000, Dommion Res., 30 years)
    Nellysford, Virginia

  2. Sgt. Tomlin, it is you we thank! We thank you for helping keep the flame alive on programs like the one at RRES. Ms. Hughes, you are wonderful to do this! Friends of mine back in TN told me just last night that many schools there don’t even acknowledge Veterans Day anymore, a total shame.

    We will be there every year and continue to support veterans and our military!

    Thank you Sgt. Tomlin and thank you all veterans past and present!

  3. As the mother of Maj. Michael Martino, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the students, staff and faculty of the Rockfish Elementary School for honoring our veterans on Veterans Day. I would also like to thank “Goldie” Tomlin for all his efforts involved in presenting our family with the Honor and Remember Flag for our son Michael. God Bless all our troops past and present for without their sacrifices we would not have the freedoms so many Americans take for granted. You are truly our nation’s heroes. I pray that those currently serving will eventually return home safely to their families.

  4. Thank you to Stacey Johnson for putting together an excellent Veteran’s Day program. For the past 4 years, you have honored many Veteran’s in our community. Your dedication and hard work is greatly appreciated. You don’t receive the recognition you deserve with all that you do at Rockfish River Elementary School. They are very lucky to have you on their faculty. I can’t wait for next year’s program. Also, I would like to thank Tommy for his coverage he gives Rockfish River Elementary school. Without him, the programs at Rockfish River would go unnoticed. His coverage and picture exposure is greatly appreciated!


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