Lost Pet : Help Me Find My Home : Found In Taylor Creek Road Area


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    Morris and Anne Foster dropped us an e-mail about this dog that recently showed up at their home. We don’t have a picture yet, but will post it as soon as we do. Meanshile if anyone knows about this pet, please give Morris or Anne a call.

    Here’s what they sent us:

    We had a brown and white medium sized dog to show up at our house on Monday (January 6th} looking very emaciated and really shy. She is not letting us get our hands on her to check her blue collar which is very tight. We are feeding her and she is content to stay even though our two dogs are not too pleased! She has a white stripe on her face and a white blaze on her chest and white large front feet. Looks like a mix of hound and maybe setter.. A very sweet dog that seems to be maybe a year old. When we can get a picture of her we will try to send it to you. It may be a local pet and we would love to find her owner. I don’t think she is a hunting dog. Any help would be appreciated. Our phone number is 434 361 1444 and you have our email address


    1. We live on Taylor Creek and saw the dog too. She was with another hunting dog, a female tricolor, medium hound mix as well. I noticed yesterday that the tricolor was alone. She won’t come near and is too nervous to eat. I’m very worried about her. I hope this information helps the owner. Call me for more info at 263-5160

    2. On Friday, we gave up and called the Dog Warden to come and get her so she would get some medical attention. She will be kept at the shelter for at least 14 days and they will try to get her adopted if no owner shows. I saw the other hound on the road Sunday and she looks bad too. She seems to have had puppies at some time. Maybe they are hunting dogs and the season is over….


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