Afton : Blue Mountain Brewery Unveils New Belgian Style Dubbel Ale : Friday 1-11-08


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The hits just keep coming out of Blue Mountain Brewery in Afton. Mandi Taylor e-mailed us on Thursday to tell us about the release of their latest Ale. If you’ve been by there to try any of their locally brewed beers, there’s not a bad one, notta!!

Evil 8° is a Belgian style Dubbel Ale
. It is brewed in the Abbey style, following the tradition of the Trappist Monks. It uses imported caramelized Biscuit malt, Goldings hops and a unique strain of brewers’ yeast that actually comes from one of the six remaining Trappist monastery breweries. It comes in at 7.7% alcohol, and has a rounded sweet malt flavor that carries throughout the palate of the beer.

Mandi says it’ll be on tap and in six packs starting Friday! I’m getting mine!


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