A Christmas Memory : The Late Earl Hamner (John-Boy) Of Nelson County : Merry Christmas 2020!

©2011 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Nelson County native Earl Hamner will be on Memphis, TN radio KWAM 990 Friday July 29th at 4PM Eastern Time. He'll be talking about Nelson and tons more!
©2011-2017 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : The late, Nelson County native Earl Hamner at the former Earl Hamner Theater in The Rockfish Valley Community Center in Afton, VA.

Click play above to listen now.

Schuyler, Virginia & Memphis, Tennessee

In what’s become our annual tradition here at BRL, enjoy this special radio interview from the December 2011 Christmas season as Nelson native Earl Hamner, Jr. talks with BRL Publisher Tommy Stafford and then Memphis KWAM 990 Radio host, Earle Farrell. Earle now has his own independent show found here. Press the orange play button above and listen for over an hour as Earl reminisces about his career, life in the Virginia Blue Ridge and more.

And be sure to check out one of our favorite recipes for the Christmas season. Applesauce cake made by Earl’s mother. Click here to view that.

Be sure to listen toward the end as Earl reads a special Christmas tribute remarking about the late Will Geer who played Grandpa Walton.

Enjoy & Merry Christmas!


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