News Alert : Albemarle County Issues Declaration of Local Emergency


ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA – Albemarle County Executive Jeff Richardson has issued a Declaration of Local Emergency in response to the COVID-19 Virus, effective Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 5:00 pm. This declaration follows Governor Northam’s State Declaration of Emergency. A local declaration allows our community to access resources during a public health crisis, such as this.
At this time, there are no cases reported in our community by Virginia Department of Health. For the most current information about Coronavirus, visit
Event Postponements and Relocations
While our community has no confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are in the process of reviewing public meetings, events, and recreation programs. At this time, any gathering of fewer than 100 people will proceed as planned. Any gatherings expected to exceed 100 attendees are being individually evaluated for how to proceed.
We regret to announce that, out of an abundance of caution and to protect our community’s safety , we have made the difficult decision to alter several of our scheduled events for the foreseeable future. The events below are those that have been adjusted and this list will be updated as we continue to monitor the situation.
Postponed Events
  • The Yancey School Community Center One-Year Celebration (scheduled 3/14) is postponed indefinitely.
Relocated Events
  • Budget Work Session for the Board of Supervisors (scheduled 3/17) has been moved from Room 241 to Lane Auditorium in the County Office Building to accommodate social distancing.


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