Severe Thunderstorms Bring Down Trees and Power Lines : Blocks US 29

Photo By BRLM Photographer Katherine Turner : Traffic was at a standstill Monday afternoon on US 29 near the Apple Shed after strong winds associated with severe thunderstorms brought down numerous trees. July 22, 2019
Photo By BRLM Photographer Katherine Turner : Traffic was at a standstill Monday afternoon on US 29 near the Apple Shed after strong winds associated with severe thunderstorms brought down numerous trees. July 22, 2019

Nelson County, VA

Severe thunderstorms that moved into Nelson County from adjoining counties to the south caused widespread wind damage late Monday afternoon. Areas along US 29 from the Amherst / Nelson line were especially hard it.

A screenshot from the CVEC outage site showed over 3000 people across the region without power when this image was saved at 7:04 PM – Monday evening : July 22, 2019. Click on image above for the latest outage information.

Both trees and power lines were down across US 29 in multiple locations. Fire and road crews were working into the evening hours Monday to clear the highway and get it back open to traffic.

Photo By BRLM Photographer Katherine Turner : Crews from Lovingston Volunteer Fire Department stop to help clear trees from US 29 late Monday afternoon – July 22, 2019.

At 7:15 PM crews were still working to clear many roads across Northeast Nelson.


  1. There were a lot of trees or tree tops down between Woods Mill and Rt. 6 east. I tried to call it in to dispatch (using the 263-7050 number so I wouldn’t jam up the 911 line). Before I could tell the dispatcher my location, she said, “Yeah, we know all about it.” I said, “Fine.” and hung up. Whoever she was she was very unprofessional. I realize that dispatch was being flooded with calls, but either she had little training or couldn’t handle the pressure. A change needs to be made.


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