Wintergreen : With A Little Help WPOA Begins Stair Replacement Near Vista On One of Their Trails

Photo Via Wintergreen Fire Rescue : Put this one in the file of what WFD calls "Other Duties as Assigned." Their crews assisted Wintergreen Property Owners crews with replacing some stairs near a vista on one of their trails. Wednesday - April 24, 2019.
Photo Via Wintergreen Fire Rescue : Put this one in the file of what WFD calls “Other Duties as Assigned.” Their crews assisted Wintergreen Property Owners crews with replacing some stairs near a vista on one of their trails. Wednesday – April 24, 2019.

Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, Virginia

Sometimes you just need a little help from your friends. That’s exactly what happened this week when members of Wintergreen Fire & Rescue helped out their umbrella agency, Wintergreen Property Owners Association with some repairs to stairs near a vista on one of their trails.

“The stairs are constructed from 4” heavy timber. Our rope team was able to construct a 100′ long “high-line” to fly-in the materials in order to avoid a 1/4-mile steep hike down a narrow trail.” Via WFD Facebook.


To see more neat photos from Wintergreen Fire & Rescue, click on their Facebook post above.

That’s very neat!!


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