Nelson : Beech Grove : Bikes & Bubbles Helped Raise Money This Past Saturday

©2017 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By Tommy Stafford : ????? in the foreground and Nikki Chambers, manager of The Ski Barn at Wintergreen, washing one of the many motorcycles that dropped by Saturday afternoon - June 24, 2017 as part of Bikes and Bubbles.
©2017 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photos By Tommy Stafford : Nikki Chambers, manager of The Ski Barn at Wintergreen (in the background), is joined by her buddy Samantha as they washed one of the many motorcycles that dropped by Saturday afternoon – June 24, 2017 as part of Bikes and Bubbles.

Beech Grove / Roseland
Nelson County, Virginia

If you passed by the intersection of Route 664 and 151 anytime Saturday afternoon you probably had to do a doubletake! Several gals were out in summer cut off short and tanks washing motorcycles! It was more than just fun. It was a fundraiser to help out one of the former members of The Ski Barn Family with medical expenses.

This isn’t the first time Nikki at the Ski Barn has pitched in to help someone in need. Last year about this time she made it a priority to help flooding victims in West Virginia. She started a drive and drive the supplies in to those most in need. Long before outside help had started arriving. Click above to read about that.

To see more photos from Saturday’s bike wash, click on our Facebook album above.

Nikki said she wanted to thank all of the bikers that came by and donated. She said it was a great day and a nice prelude to an even bigger event later this year. The annual Motorcycle Poker Run & Fundraiser on September 16, 2017. Look for more details in the coming weeks!


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