Tractor Trailer Crashes Tie Up Traffic On Area Roads

Photo courtesy of Robert Foresman - Rockbridge County Emergency Management Director : This crash on I-81 NB around the 192 MM was one of three tractor trailer incidents Thursday afternoon that halted traffic on Central Virginia Blue Ridge roads.
Photo courtesy of Robert Foresman - Rockbridge County Emergency Management Director : This crash on I-81 NB around the 192 MM was one of three tractor trailer incidents Thursday afternoon that halted traffic on Central Virginia Blue Ridge roads.
Photo courtesy of Robert Foresman – Rockbridge County Emergency Management Director : This crash on I-81 NB around the 192 MM was one of three tractor trailer incidents Thursday afternoon that halted traffic on Central Virginia Blue Ridge roads.

Central Virginia Blue Ridge
A succession of tractor trailer accidents shut down I-64 and later I-81. The first happened on Afton Mountain along I-64 Thursday morning.

Then later in the day another tractor trailer accident shut down I-81 northbound near around the 192.3 mile marker in Rockbridge County. As of late Thursday the cleanup was still underway.

Finally later another trucker decided to take route 664 over Reid’s Gap near Wintergreen Resort. The truck got hung and as 7PM Thursday night the road was still blocked.


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