Paulie’s Pig Out Not Happy About American Flag Theft

©™2012 Nelson County Life : Photo By Yvette Stafford : The sign board in front of Paulie's Pig Out In Afton pretty much sums up their frustration after someone stole their large american flag recently.

Nelson County, VA

“Not patriotic, at all!” That’s how Paul Matheny describes the thief or thieves that took off with a giant american flag he recently placed near Route 151 in front of his BBQ place in Afton. “They took the whole thing down and just took off with it. I was trying to do something to show patriotism,” Paul told us by telephone a few days ago.

Paul Matheny in our December 2009 printed issue of Nelson County Life Magazine shortly after opening in Afton. Click on the image above to read that article online now.

If anyone has information about the whereabouts of Paul’s flag, we think he’d appreciate you stopping by and letting him know!


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