WINNERS! Lady Govs Take State Championship Over Matthews! – Update: 2:54 PM

Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2010 : The NCHS Lady Govs as they start their play against Matthews County for the state championship in Richmond, Saturday afternoon. 11.20.10

Richmond, Virginia
The NCHS Lady Govs have made it to the state playoffs. They won Friday morning against Bath County in the semi-finals. If they win today, they will be the state champions in girls high school volleyball! Our Paul Purpura is there covering the tournament and sent us this pic shortly after the 1PM start of the game against Matthews.

Scroll for updates and scores below.

2:54 PM – STATE CHAMPS! Last game was 25-21 Nelson!! More shortly!! Wooooo Hoooo!

2:32 PM – Woooo Hooo Paul tells us: “Say a prayer, Nelson won the third 25-20” Need just one more game win to grab the state title!

2:08 PM – 2nd game results just in better news!! Paul says: “2nd game 25-23 Nelson. Need two more. Tough game.”

1:40 PM – First results in from Richmond, our Paul Purpura reports, “First game not good 25-21 Mathews.”

More action from the Lady Govs vs Matthews during their second game around 2PM Saturday afternoon in Richmond.

We’ll have frequent updates here until we know the final result!

Go Lady Govs!


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