Grand Jury Indicts : Griffin & Meeks : Capital Murder : 5.25.10

Photos By Norm Shafer : ©2010 : Nelson County Sheriff, David Brooks and Deputy Robbie Brooks, lead Austin Griffin (left) and Christopher Meeks (right) into a Nelson Courtroom during a March 2010 hearing. The two are now officially indicted on Capital Murder charges. Click photo to enlarge.
Photos By Norm Shafer : ©2010 : Nelson County Sheriff, David Brooks and Deputy Robbie Brooks, lead Austin Griffin (left) and Christopher Meeks (right) into a Nelson Courtroom during a March 2010 hearing. The two are now officially indicted on Capital Murder charges. Click photo to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia

Austin Griffin & Christopher Meeks have been officially indicted on the charge of capital murder for the May 6, 2009 killing of retired teacher’s aid, Opal Page. The grand jury heard evidence Tuesday morning and handed down what’s called the true bill or indictment. “Ironically, Meeks was in a Nelson court Monday with his lawyers for an unrelated appearance,” said Nelson County Sheriff, David Brooks. Sheriff Brooks department along with the Virginia State Police investigated the crime scene just north of Greenfield along Route 151. Meeks and Griffin were arrested on May 12th days after the murder. Prosecutors and police say the duo are the men responsible.

“The two have been charged with Statutory Burglary, Capitol Murder, and Robbery,” said Debbie Giles, Administrative Assistant, in the Nelson County Commonwealth Attorney’s office. She confirmed the indictments to NCL by telephone Tuesday afternoon.

“Numerous other hearings are in the works now,” Giles continued. The pair is expected to be back in court within the coming weeks to get a firm trial date set. The pair appeared together most recently back in March of 2010.

More on the history and time line of the Opal Page murder by clicking here