Tractor Trailer Accident Blocks 151 Near Bland Wade Road : 2.10.10 : Updated : Road Reopened

Photo By Shelby Ralston : ©2010 : A semi tractor trailer hauling turkeys is jackknifed across Route 151 just north of Bland Wade Road near Afton Family Medicine. Click to enlarge.
Photo By Shelby Ralston : ©2010 : A semi tractor trailer hauling turkeys is jackknifed across Route 151 just north of Bland Wade Road near Afton Family Medicine. Click to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia

For the 2nd time is under two months a semi truck used to haul turkeys has jackknifed on Route 151 near Bland Wade Road. Wednesday’s accident now has the northbound lane shutdown with a little of the southbound lane passable in the vicinity of Afton Family Medicine.

Photos By Shelby Ralston : ©2010 :  Click to enlarge.
Photos By Shelby Ralston : ©2010 : Click to enlarge.

In December’s blizzard a turkey truck cutting through Route 151 between I-64 and US 29 jackknifed blocking the road and stranding over 400 drivers for nearly 5 hours in sub freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall.

Emergency crews are working now to get the truck off of the road and back open to normal traffic.

CBS-19 in Charlottesville has more here.

If you are traveling Route 151 Wednesday morning, expect major delays in the area of this accident.


  1. Do you know if the driver got a ticket at least…?

    IN any case… Everyone reading this article should called the company and asked to talk to their president to complaint:

    Circle S Ranch Inc
    1604 Circle S Ranch Rd
    Monroe, NC 28112-9354
    Phone: (704) 764-7414

    Samuel Starnes President

  2. Tractor trailers come down 151 to shave off miles and time from their routes. Trucking companies pay by the mile and alot of them use computer programs wich are often inaccurate thus taking money out of the driver’s pockets. The majority of truck drivers are over stressed and over worked and speed limits being reduced makes their job even harder. I’m not saying I approve of the trucks taking “short cuts” I’m just saying that if you enjoy eating turkey and you like most of america are impatient when it come to getting what you want you might want to think long and hard before you call a company to complain about a problem that is partially your own fault.

  3. No one was charged due to the totality of the circumstances of the cause of this particular accident. It’s not always the truck driver’s fault folks.

  4. John,
    Depends on the type of HazMat. Gasoline or petroleum products about 500 yrds. Chlorine gas about 1 mile. Do bear in mind though that the more dangerous a product or chemical is the more precautions that are taken in its packaging for transport. If you ever see a truck carrying a trailer that looks like a UFO then your probably dealing with a more dangerous HazMat item. The most dangerous chemicals and items also have a travel plan and are restricted to very specific roads.

  5. Hunter,you seem familiar with this type of situation,do you know who has jurisdiction and or the authority to administer the response needed to conduct an evacuation if a serious condition were to present itself.

  6. Fire & Rescue have the authority to determine in a situation is hazzardous enough to require evacuation. Ray Uttarro is listed and the Emergency Services/ Haz-Mat Coordinator.

  7. John, Country Cledus is correct. Ray Uttaro is the counties Haz-Mat Coordinator and all police and Fire units are trained to know when to call for him on Haz-mat spills. Mr. Uttaro when he arrived on scene would be the one to take charge of any large scale evacuation procedures.

  8. Since we have the potential of having a haz/mat “spill”, have residents along corridor 151 been told beforehand what to do in case of an evacuation and what to expect? If not, where do we find out this information.


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