Thursday, January 7, 2010
PRESENT: Mr. Steve Crandall, Mr. Erwin Berry, Mr. Greg Kelly, Ms. Emily
Pelton, Mr. Natt Hall
(Staff: Ms. Maureen Corum)
ABSENT: Mr. Alphonso Taylor and Mr. Bennett Saunders
TREASURER’S REPORT – tabled until next meeting. Ms. Corum reported that Mr.
Taylor has requested members’ input on 2010 budget items.
POINT OF INTEREST MAP – Ms. Corum reported that the final proof has gone to
the printer.
ELECTION OF 2010 OFFICERS – Members voted unanimously to elect the following
Emily Pelton – Chairperson
Bennett Saunders – Vice Chairperson
Alphonso Taylor – Secretary/Treasurer
Erwin Berry – Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
With no Public Comment, the meeting was adjourned.
Copyright 2000-2010 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.
I’m concerned you all are trying to bite off too much at once.