Nelson Library: Brown Bag Book Club


AN IRISH COUNTRY DOCTOR by Patrick Taylor by Junot Diaz
Barry Laverty, a recent medical school graduate, jumps at the chance to join a rural practice in Ballybucklebo, Northern Ireland, until he meets his boss Dr. O’Reilly, a difficult older physician with his own way of doing things.

Event Date: Monday 16th of November 2009 12:39 PM

Location/Address: Nelson Memorial Library 8521 Thomas Nelson Highway, Lovingston

Contact Telephone Please call 434.263.5904 for more information


  1. The next Brown Bag Book Club meeting is NOT the Irish Country Doctor — it is, instead, a FREE READ,

  2. (sorry for the interruption — fat fingers will out)….and the FREE READ starts at NOON, not 12:39 on the 16th of N0vember.

    The Irish Country Doctor book will be discussed at the December 14 meeting (again at noon) and also at that meeting is a Cookie Exchange — readers each bring four dozen of their favorite cookies and return home with a like number.

    We know its too late to correct the November print edition of this priceless magazine, but maybe this online comment will help.

  3. Whoops — another error: the next Brown Bag meeting is the 23rd — not the 16th. Please go to the link above with Jackie Lichtman’s name for specifics!


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