Board of Supervisors : 1.22.09


Thursday, January 22, 2009

PRESENT: Mr. Allen Hale, Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere,
Mr. Tommy Harvey and Mr. Joe Dan Johnson

BOARD GOALS & OBJECTIVES – After discussion, Supervisors identified the
following priorities:
– Proceed with Solid Waste objectives;
– Pursue Broadband;
– Pursue Radio Communications Project;
– Work on Paid EMS challenges;
– Pursue Environmental issues (energy audit of all county buildings; cost
analysis of use of recycled products, etc); and
– Develop regular cycle of meetings and reports with Service Authority.

Hale noted that the county has been in discussions with Cove Valley
Recreation Center (CVRC) members to purchase land to establish a solid waste
and recycling site (Rt. 670, Cove Valley Lane in Faber). He reported that
the county made a generous offer for the needed property but that that offer
has not borne fruit. Mr. Carter noted that the public hearing is one of the
procedural steps required in the condemnation process.

During the Public Hearing, MR. BO DELK, Roseland, said that a condemnation
is the last thing a governing body should have to do as it opens the county
up to criticism. He said that a condemnation action would stay around as
criticism for a long time. Mr. Delk said that it is unfortunate that the
county has not been able to work this out and suggested making another offer
to see if the property owners could assist the county with this project.
MR. ELWOOD WATERFIELD, Arrington, agreed with Mr. Delk, noting that there
are a lot of places in the county that should be condemned for being trashy.
He said that condemnations do open the county up to lawsuits.

Following the Public Hearing, Mr. Harvey reported that the county is still
negotiating with the owners but that the public hearing and resolution
(Institution of Condemnation Proceedings) is a part of the required process
in the event that negotiations fail. He said that the county is expecting
to receive a counter offer soon and asked the Supervisors to agree to more
time before proceeding. Mr. John Bradshaw, a Trustee for CVRC, reported
that there will be another membership meeting Tuesday and that the
organization is working to correct membership errors to make sure a new vote
will be legal.

Mr. Hale said that the Board should adopt the resolution in that it does not
commit the county to proceed further but gives the county the ability to
move forward if nothing happens with the CVRC membership. Ms. Brennan said
that a condemnation is an uncomfortable thing and that she hopes the county
will not have to go forward. She said that it is in CVRC’s best interest to
reach an agreement with the county and that it is in the best interest of
the citizens of the county to obtain the property for a solid waste site.
Mr. Harvey noted that the issue is not price but has to do with some members
and whether they want the site next to them. He said that the county is
working with those members and hope the details can be worked out. Mr.
Bruguiere said that he does not like condemnation, but the site is for the
public use and the property would not be taken from an individual. Mr. Hale
agreed, noting that the property, in this case, exists for public use and he
hopes that something can be worked out. Supervisors voted 5-0 to adopt the
Institution of Condemnation Proceedings for the Cove Valley Recreation
Center property.

Peggy Whitehead, Executive Director BRMC, after reviewing programs and needs
for dental health and primary care needs of county residents, asked the
Supervisors to support a planning grant application for $25,000 to the
Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development for the expansion
of the BRMC facility. She reported that the BRMC Board has purchased the
land adjacent to the existing facility for the expansion. Supervisors voted
5-0 to adopt the resolution of support.

COURTHOUSE PROJECT/CONTRACT AWARD – Mr. Carter reported that 12 bids were
received on the Courthouse/Judicial Center project. He noted that Wiley &
Wilson have completed a thorough review of the low bid and recommended that
the contract be awarded to Blair Construction Company at $6,772,000. Mr.
Randy Vaughan with Wiley Wilson noted in this recommendation that the most
recent estimate for the project was $9,766,550 (resulting in a savings to
the county of $2,994,550). His letter reported that Blair Construction is a
well-established company and listed various area projects they have
successfully completed in a timely manner. Mr. Hale asked when the county
could expect to break ground. Mr. Carter reported that the closing with
Rural Development would probably happen in April. Supervisors voted 5-0 to
adopt a resolution awarding the contract to Blair Construction at

BROADBAND AUTHORITY – Mr. Carter presented information on establishing a
county Broadband Authority, noting that the Economic Development Authority
could serve as a Broadband Authority but that a review of the code seems to
suggest that establishing a separate Authority would be the easiest route.
Mr. Johnson said that the Board should move forward with holding a public
hearing on establishing an Authority so the county is ready if funding
becomes available. Mr. Hale said that the presented resolution was not a
part of the information packet reviewed prior to the meeting and that the
consultant’s broadband report has not yet been received. He said that he
did not think the county should move forward until it has all the
information and the Board has actually voted on its intention to establish
an Authority. Mr. Johnson pointed out that the Board can decide at any
point to stop the process but that holding the public hearing would keep the
county moving forward. Mr. Hale said that he does not think any one member
should authorize staff to develop a resolution without a vote of the full
board. After further discussion, Supervisors agreed to table further
discussion until the February 10th meeting in order to consider the
consultant’s report. Supervisors also voted 5-0 to put the resolution of
intent to establish an Authority on the agenda for the February 10th

FY09-10 BUDGET – Staff presented a work sheet showing agency funding for the
past three years as well as the requested agency funding for this budget
year. Supervisors tabled further discussion for review of the document.

The following should have been included in the Board of Supervisors’ report
from 01.22.09:

BUDGET FY09-10 – Dr. Roger Collins, Superintendent of Schools, noted that he
had presented a needs-based budget to the School Board resulting in an
additional $1,030,000 in local funding. He reported that at the recent
School Board meeting, the budget had been decreased resulting in a revised
request for an additional $800,000 in local funding. Dr. Collins said that
he will be working with employees to try to reduce that by another 5% and
that the School Board will soon adopt a final budget.

Meeting adjourned.

Our thanks to Rural Nelson for providing the minutes for presentation here.
Copyright 2000-2009 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may
be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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