Oysters, You Say? The Cardinal Point Way! : Annual Roast A Huge Success

Photos By Tommy Stafford : This shot of David Bernard from Southern Nelson County, Virginia says it all from this year's annual Oyster Roast at Cardinal Point Winery
Photos By Tommy Stafford : This shot of David Bernard from Southern Nelson County, Virginia says it all from this year's annual Oyster Roast at Cardinal Point Winery

Tim and the rest of the Gorman’s over at Cardinal Point Vineyard & Winery are smiling big! Their 5th annual Oyster Roast went off without a hitch, with over 600 people the very first day! For those of you who are regulars each year, you know the Rain or Temperature Gods sometimes haven’t been the most agreeable at the highly popular event!

But not this year! Clear skies and mild temperatures provided a great setting for the Nelson County, Virginia event in Afton.

The guys from Rappahannock River Oysters were back doing their thing! Yummy!
The guys from Rappahannock River Oysters were back doing their thing! Yummy!
Getting them ready for the roast!
Getting them ready for the roast!
Not to worry, David did eventually share!
Not to worry, David did eventually share!

Okay, Stan Driver and Mariah were in this exact same spot at last year's roast. Check out the link just below!
Okay, Stan Driver and Mariah were in this exact same spot at last year's roast. Check out the link just below!
Here they are, but bundled up a bit more!

Favorites, Jeff Vogelgesang & Jan Smith, along with The Honeybirds were back again!
Favorites, Jeff Vogelgesang & Jan Smith, along with The Honeybirds were back again!
Tim, that is so cold of you!
Tim, that is so cold of you!
Folks were able to make a little more room for others to sit down, but just barely!
Folks were able to make a little more room for others to sit down, but just barely!
Jan is wishing for the break so she can get her oysters too!
Jan is wishing for the break so she can get her oysters too!
And of course the wine!
And of course the wine!

See you at the 2009 Oyster Roast!


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