WEATHER : Wintergreen & Nelson, VA : Weekend Outlook


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Forecast By Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine

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Today’s weather and is brought to you exclusively by:
am fog 4.16.08-A

AM Fog New BLdg
The new farm market at a.m. Fog in Afton.

My childhood days were filled with memories of hot summer afternoons on the farm. Now back there it was cotton fields for as far as the eye could see. Down near the Mississippi River the sun would set over a distant barge pushing his way down to New Orleans. But the thing I remember most were those family farms, mom and pop types selling their vegetables along side the road.

Ken and Yvonne Harris at a.m. Fog on the Nelson-Albemarle County Line along Route 151 in Afton capture that kind of feel.

No you won’t see a tug headed down the Missip, but the family farm feel is there alive and well. Right now they have 6 kinds of lettuce. spinach, kale, brocoli, cabbage and veggie start. 26 types of heirloom tomatoes are on the way, plus sweet peppers, and a big selection of HOT peppers!

Just liste to some of what you can get now; asparagus, lettuce, cucumbers, STRAWBERRIES, strawberry onions (the best!!!), roasting potatoes, Idaho potatoes, carrots, green peppers, farm eggs, meat, and fresh baked bread.

And yea, not to worry, some on fellow, they still have my favorite the trusty:
-Local “Happy Steer” Hormone and Antibiotic Free Meat
-Local Hormone & Antibiotic Free Chicken

Not to mention all of the other vegetables, annual, and perennial plants along with fruit trees ready for the spring planting season.

Have you seen that beautiful farm market? It’s OPEN FOR BUSINESS NOW, and before long stop in for hot teas, coffee, muffins, and bread while you take a look around, that could take while, there’s lots to see!

Visit them on the web at or call them at 540-456-7100.

As talked about earlier, I am on the road this week in Tenneseee and while the first part of my trip has been near internet access, the last couple of days won’t. So, I am providing links down below to the generic forecasts for the mountain and valley. Don’t hang your hat on these, but they will give you a general idea of what the weather holds for the next several days.

Generally speaking, thunderstorms develop Thursday afternoon and continue through Friday afternoon. Skies become mostly sunny Saturday with temps in the mid 70’s. By Sunday showers are back in the forecast by Sunday.

We’ll be back in the saddle with regular weather and the audio starting Monday morning!

Regional Current Surface Map via wunderground

Looking 12-24 Hours Ahead

Click here for generic NWS forecast for Nelson County, Virginia

Click here for generic NWS forecast for areas above 2000 feet including Wintergreen.

Till then, have a great rest of the week and weekend!


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