Datebook : Wintergreen : Nature Foundation 25th Annual Wildflower Symposium


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Wildflower Symp Notice
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The Wintergreen Nature Foundation’s favorite ritual of spring is celebrating its 25th year. As the days lengthen and the temperatures warm, an advancing green line of spring creeps up the mountain. Every woodland ravine becomes a colorful tapestry as violets, orchids, and lilies raise their faces to embrace the spring sunlight. Colorful wood warblers are busy as they flit through the infant foliage, their arrival perfectly timed with the caterpillar hatch. While we seldom associate instinctive behavior with wildflowers, there is clearly an evolved “behavioral” response to the passage of spring as they must bloom, attract a pollinator and set seed before the new canopy closes in. In perspective, while our ritual of celebration is twenty-five years young, their ritual is likely four thousand years old.


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