BREAKING : Richmond : State Final Playoff Between Nelson County & Surry : NELSON COUNTY WINS! 50-47


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By Yvette Stafford On Location LIVE
Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
State Basketball Finals
Richmond, Virginia

Live blogging by Tommy Stafford
Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008

Updated: 2:44 PM EDT : Yvette says: ” THEY WON! NELSON COUNTY WINS BY A SCORE OF 50-47 “ More shortly !

Updated: 2:12 PM EDT : Yvette says: “Nelson is leading 40-33 against Surry at the end of the 3rd period!” More shortly !

The crowd is going crazy at the half, Yvette just sent this pic to us via MMS message!

Updated: 1:45 PM EDT : Yvette says they are tied at the half 24-24, more shortly !

Court near 1/2 RIC Yvette
Action on the court around the end of 2nd period.

1:30 PM EDT : Yvette Stafford is at VCU covering the game she tells us that at the end of the first period Nelson is ahead 15-7 against Surry….keep hitting your refresh button or click above on the refresh link for the latest scoring!


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