RVCC Pancake Breakfast & Farmer’s Market opens in Nellysford, VA


    Photos and story by Tommy Stafford – Nelson County Life Magazine

    Like I discussed earlier today, the weather here in Central Virginia is still pretty gloomy, but the rain held off for everyone to get out this morning. We first went to the Rockfish Valley Community Center where we loaded up on breakfast and visited with everyone. It’s always the first Saturday of the month, and it is yummy! Be sure to make it.

    Here’s a few shots from Saturday morning’s RVCC breakfast.

    Serving Line


    We saw way too many folks to name individually, but we did sit at the table with Bev and Keith from Basic Necessities. They are back in Nelson for the summer after spending months in New Orleans helping folks there rebuild. If you haven’t seen their blog about their time there, check it out here. The work they have been doing there is tremendous!

    After loading up on a great breakfast it was off to the opening day of the Farmer’s Market in Nellysford next to Wintergreen Real Estate. Thanks again to those guys at the real estate company. Thye stepped in and bought a brand new tent after the storm last summer destroyed the old one. They had already bought that old one too!

    Here the crowd pours in for the opening of the Farmer’s Market.
    Tent Crowd

    Below Sarah Leake (Yep the one you know from Basic Necessities) chats it up with Amy Childs, of the Farmer’s Market, while a customer fills up on coffee and the goodies Sarah had there. She’ll still be behind the counter at Basic when you go by, but she’s started baking her own goodies that are yummy to eat too! A little birdie tells us to look for something new she’ll have at next Saturday’s market…mmmmm, guess we’ll have to go by and see what she’s gonna have!
    Sarah Amy

    You name it, you can find it here at the Farmer’s Market. Here folks from the Double H Organic Farm wait on a customer stopping by.

    Double H Farm

    Ok, we just couldn’t resist this one, even if it was posed. Too cute!
    Kids Pic

    This is what’s so great about the Farmer’s Market. There is a little bit of everything here, and it’s the real thing, not something off of a shelf in a store that was trucked in from who knows where. I sincerely doubt this bread was trucked in on a semi!

    And pets have to check out the market too! Here David Witmer of Wintergreen Performing Arts shows off his new dog of 6 months. I just wish he’d gotten a dog with a white coat!

    And finally, even though she’s already on the cover of this month’s NCL, we noticed Elizabeth VanDeventer, of Davis Creek Farm, was doing a brisk business at the market. If you haven’t read the story about her family operation, check it out on page 12 of the May 2007 issue of Nelson County Life Magazine.
    Davis Creek

    Make sure to get by the market next Saturday if you didn’t make it. With the growing season about to really kick off, there will be tons of great tasting stuff there. And it’s local, local, local, local, local! – Did I say local?



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