Nelson Native Mark Embrey Formally Announces Run For Sheriff

Photo by Norm Carter : Nelson native Mark Embrey makes his run for Nelson County Sheriff before a crowd in Schuyler, Virginia on March 11, 2023.
Photo by Norm Carter : Nelson native Mark Embrey makes his run for Nelson County Sheriff before a crowd in Schuyler, Virginia on March 11, 2023.

Nelson County, Virginia

On Saturday, March 11, 2023, Mr. Mark E. Embrey of Faber, Virginia, announced his Candidacy for the Office of Sheriff for the County of Nelson. Surrounded by his family and friends, Mr. Embrey announced his Candidacy at the Walton’s Mountain Museum located in Schuyler, Virginia.

Mr. Embrey is a fourth-generation Nelsonian, the son of the late Edward L. “Eddie” Embrey, and Marily H. Embrey, of Shipman, Virginia. Mr. Embrey, along with his wife, Jennifer, and sons, Zach and David, manage the family’s Century-Old Beef Cattle Farm located in Rockfish Depot.

Photo By Norm Carter : Sheriff Candidate Mark Embrey chats with people at the Waltons Mountain Museum in Schuyler, Virginia during his formal candidacy announcement in his run for Nelson County Sheriff. March 11, 2023.

Mr. Embrey is a twenty-year law enforcement veteran. His law enforcement career included public service as a Virginia State Trooper, a Deputy Sheriff with the Rockbridge County Sheriff’s Office, a First Sergeant with the Augusta County Sheriff’s Office, and a Patrol Supervisor with the Nelson County Sheriff’s Office.

On October 1, 2021, Mark left the Nelson County Sheriff’s Office having reached twenty-years of law enforcement service, to accept a position as a Sales Agent with Virginia Farm Bureau in the Nelson County Office.

Mark presently serves as a Lieutenant with the Faber Fire Department, as he continues to provide public service to the citizens of Nelson County. He and his family are members of Rock Spring United Methodist Church and reside at their home in Faber, Virginia.

The election for Nelson County Sheriff will be held on November 7, 2023. Numerous other offices are on the ballot as well. 

Embrey’s campaign site on the web is :


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