Nelson : Lovingston : Investigation Into Vehicle Accident Involving State Trooper Underway : Update

Photo By Michelle Ashwell : Traffic was backed up on US 29 late Friday morning after a vehicle accident involving a Virginia State Trooper occurred at the traffic light. August 9, 2019
Photo By Michelle Ashwell : Traffic was backed up on US 29 late Friday morning after a vehicle accident involving a Virginia State Trooper occurred at the traffic light. August 9, 2019

Nelson County, Virginia

Verbatim press release from VSP at 3:13 PM Friday afternoon :

“At approximately 10:47 a.m. (Aug. 9), Virginia State Police Trooper B.W. Stanley was traveling south on Route 29 and approaching the intersection at Front Street in Lovingston. The stoplight at the intersection turned red but the vehicle traveling in front of the trooper ran the red light. The trooper activated his lights and sirens and was proceeding through the intersection to stop the violator when a 2015 Chrysler 500 came through the intersection. The Chrysler was traveling west on Front Street and struck the trooper’s car in the side.

Trooper Stanley was transported to UVA Medical Center for treatment of non-life threatening injuries. The trooper was wearing a seat belt. He was driving a marked Ford Taurus.

The driver of the Chrysler, Robert O. Banks, 80, of Shipman, Va., was not injured in the crash. He was wearing a seat belt.

The crash remains under investigation.

Corinne N. Geller
Public Relations Director
Virginia State Police“

Original post:
A late morning traffic accident in Lovingston stopped drivers on US 29 at the traffic light. A Virginia State Trooper was involved in the accident.

Our original Facebook post here.

Photo by Michelle Ashwell : Another view of the accident scene in Lovingston – Friday – August 9, 2019

Information on injuries and exactly what happened isn’t known as of this post.

We have an inquiry in to our media contact at VSP in Richmond.


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