Board Of Supervisors 12.9.08


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Present: Mr. Tommy Harvey, Mr. Allen Hale, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere,
Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Joe Dan Johnson

JABA COUNCIL ON AGING – Mr. Chuck Strauss, Nelson representative to the JABA
Advisory Council, reviewed the programs offered by JABA, noting the 1,347
Nelson individuals served in the past 12 months. He thanked the Board for
their support in the past and noted that expected decreased funding on all
levels will constitute a real challenge for JABA in the coming year.

FY08-09 BUDGET/NC HEALTH DEPARTMENT – Dr. Lilian Peake reported that the
state contribution to the Nelson County Health Department has been reduced
by $7,974 for this fiscal year, resulting in a reduction of the county’s
required match of $5,123. Noting their efforts to reduce their expenses,
Dr. Peake asked the Board to allow the Health Department to retain the
$5,123 in funding as budgeted in the current year. Supervisors agreed by
consensus to fund the full amount as budgeted.

SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING/WINTERGARDEN – At the Board’s request at the last
meeting, Ms. McSwain (Nelson County Solid Waste & Recycling Coordinator)
presented a report on the situation with the Wintergarden facilities. She
noted ongoing problems with the metal recycle can – specifically with
contamination of the materials. Ms. McSwain reported that a recent load was
taken to Nelson Recycling and dumped so an inventory of the contents could
be made. The metal recycle can contained 75% trash and only 25% metal
containers. She recommended removing the metal recycle can as the problems
have continued for years. After discussion, Ms. Brennan said that while she
is disappointed and hates to remove the can, the time has come to do so.
She noted that it costs the county too much money to leave it in place with
the ongoing contamination of the materials. Supervisors voted 5-0 to remove
the recycle can.

bill has been sent to the Cove Valley Recreation Center in an amount equal
to the current taxes plus three previous years. After discussion,
Supervisors voted 5-0 to direct staff to advertise for a public hearing as
per the proper procedure for eminent domain action on property on Cove
Valley Road on which the county recently made an offer of purchase. Staff
was directed to schedule the public hearing for the January 22nd meeting.
Mr. Hale clarified that the Board has not made a decision to proceed with
eminent domain but is following the required procedures for that process
while considering the issue.

amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to add Article 22. Small Wind Energy
Ordinance to provide regulation to allow wind energy systems. The draft
would limit the maximum tower height to 100 feet, establish minimum
distances between blades and the ground and establish setback requirements
from dwellings and property lines. The proposed amendment would allow the
wind energy and micro wind systems by Conditional Use Permit in all Zoning

Mr. Bruguiere said that everybody wants alternative energy but then they
want an ordinance to slow it down. Mr. Johnson agreed saying that the draft
ordinance is more restrictive than any of the model ordinances. Ms. Brennan
said that the county does want to encourage alternative energy but that the
related issues do need to be reviewed. Mr. Hale said that the language of
the amendment needs to be simple and easy to understand. Supervisors voted
3-2 (Mr. Bruguiere and Mr. Hale voting no) to adopt a resolution of intent
to review the Zoning Ordinance to address Small Wind Energy concerns and to
send the draft to the Planning Commission for review and recommendations.

COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT – Mr. Carter reported on the following:

– Courthouse Project – the project has been advertised for construction
bids, which are due on January 17th.
– Piney River 3 Project – completion projected by the end of March, 2009.
– Broadband Project – Mr. Carter noted that the final report on Phase 3 is
due January 21st. Mr. Johnson said that the ordinance to establish a
Broadband Authority needs to be in place so that the county is in a position
to move forward if funding is made available for the broadband. Mr. Hale
asked why the Economic Development Authority could not deal with broadband.
Mr. Carter suggested that the Service Authority could be utilized to deal
with broadband. Supervisors directed Mr. Carter to research the options and
prepare the necessary paperwork for their January 13th meeting.
– Mr. Gary Cody (Department of Parks & Recreation) has resigned effective
December 31st to take another position. Supervisors directed Mr. Carter to
put recruitment to fill that position on hold pending additional information
on the budget.

APPOINTMENTS – Supervisors voted 5-0 to reappoint Mr. Chuck Strauss and Ms.
Mary Lee Embrey to the JABA Council on Aging.

BOARD DIRECTIVES – Supervisors voted on the following:

– To increase the County Administrator’s salary to $105,000 and to move to
an annual review cycle for that position;
– To authorize Mr. Harvey (Chair) to sign a letter to the Commonwealth
Transportation Board supporting a revision to the Six Year Program of the
Department of Rail and Public Transportation to approve the $17 million
operating funds for passenger rail on the US29 and I-95 corridors.

With no business on the agenda, Supervisors cancelled the evening session
and adjourned the meeting.

Copyright 2000-2008 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.


  1. Nelson Economic Development has pledged $10,000 to an Albemarle county organization to
    collect and and redistribute locally grown produce. Many people in Nelson have given their time
    for years to create a sustainable direct marketing center at Nelson Farmer’s Market with no help
    from Nelson County Economic Developement. Nelson Farmer’s Market has also been a business
    incubator for many small businesses and farms. Nelson economic development money can create more opportunity for Nelson growers by supporting our homegrown organizations.

  2. Kate Collier here. I want to introduce myself, address Stan’s concerns and give a little more information on The Local Food Hub project.

    Firstly, I am also a co-owner of Feast! in Charlottesville and as a result have worked with many farmers in our area for the last six years. The vision for the Local Food Hub developed over time as i heard farmers’ struggles and concerns with delivery, liability, lack of processing facilities, lack of affordable healthcare, unwillingness of people to pay a fair price for good product and a seeming lack of all around infrastructure support. My New Year’s resolution for 2008 was to do all I could to help. For the last eleven months, I presented the Local Food Hub vision at meeting after meeting of powerful government officials, business people, foundations, private citizens… they all thought it was a sound idea with great opportunity and it should be done. They wanted to help in anyway they could, but noone wanted to be the first to pledge money to make it happen. I must thank the Nelson County EDA for their trailblazing support, and I promise to make sure it was a good investment for Nelson County farmers and citizens.

    The Local Food Hub is a non-profit business that will provide some much needed services to farmers. They are:

    1) Negotiating buying agreements with independent produce distributors, groceries and institutions

    2) Meeting with farmers in January to communicate these expressed needs and working with them to develop a viable growing and pricing model (we are a non-profit so that mark-up can be kept as low as possible, making buying local food accessible to more people)

    3) Addressing licencing, liability and traceability issues

    4) Buying quality produce grown in the Thomas Jefferson Planning district

    5) Picking up at locations in each area of the Thomas Jefferson Planning district where we can meet up with farmers, so they don’t have to spend as much time driving and delivering

    6) Consolidating and grading available produce so purchasers who need volume can still buy local

    7) Operating a processing facility – peeling, chopping, freezing, basic cooking – so the Hub can decrease crop waste by buying splits, bruised and seconds quality produce that can be put into our local food system through institutions like the Jefferson Area Board of Aging, County Schools and Head Start programs.

    8) Working with existing groups and offering networking services that:
    – connect people who want to get into farming with educational programs, resources and existing farmer mentors
    – connect farmers who need labor with people who want to learn and work
    – connect exisiting farmers who want to expand with landowners who want their land farmed and with available financing options

    We recognize that Nelson County has some of our area’s best and most establish farmers and there is still a good amount of open space. We want to work closely with Nelson County citizens and support your efforts to keep that open space agricultural and profitable. Our aim is to fill the gaps, not to compete with our local, independent businesses. We welcome your suggestions and feedback.

  3. JABA is thrilled to see a local food distribution hub being created for our area. This past year JABA made a commitment that each meal it prepared for its senior clients (200,000 annually) would contain at least 20% local food. It was a lot of work but we did it! The biggest problem we ran into was the lack of an infrastructure that could address issues such as required traceability, delivery reliability and year round supply. We are just one of several area organizations who have expressed and interest in bringing nutritious local food into our meal programs but have not had an infrastructure to accommodate us. The hub’s ability to buy splits, bruised and second quality produce enables non-profits like JABA to bring foods with higher nutritional value to a segment of the population (low income and disadvantaged) who otherwise do not have financial and/or geographical access. This hub will not only make it possible for organizations like ours to improve the health of those we feed but it will also allow us to contribute to the financial health of the local farmer, the economic health of our local community and the health of our environment. Thank you Nelson County for your support in assisting the start up of this venture.

    Kay Jenkins

  4. JABA and all like organizations deserve all the help they can get. The Local Food Hub
    will be a valuable resource for local food. Nelson Farmer’s Market distributed “NellyBucks”
    to Nelson seniors to be redeemed at the market. Jaunt provided transportation. Thank you
    Jaba and Nelson Farmer’s Market and all those that support our communities and growers.
    Most growers have worked hard to develop direct marketing customers retail and wholesale.
    This traditional system connects the consumer with the grower and provides the grower
    best return. The Local Food Hub can provide a valuable service as long as it does not unfairly
    compete with those direct markets.


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