VDOT Projects Underway – Lynchburg District



Highway work requiring road/lane/structure closures is scheduled, weather permitting. Items in italics contain new/updated information. For up-to-date information, call 511 or visit www.511Virginia.org.

Amherst County:
Route 130 over Pedlar River- Bridge work; road closed. Detour to new construction/existing Rt. 635. Messages boards, signs and barriers in use. Est. comp. 11/27/17.
Route 501/130 (Hunting Club Rd-existing bridge) – Two-way traffic on new bridge. Construction continues; temporary lane closures possible. Completion 4/21/17.
Route 640 over Pedlar River (Rt. 635-607) – Road closed for superstructure replacement from Feb. 6-March 10, weather permitting. Detour via routes 607, 610 and 635.

Appomattox County:
Route 660 over North Creek – Road closed Jan. 3 – June 15 for bridge superstructure replacement. Detour via 26, 659, and 613.

Buckingham County:
Route 20 over Slate River – Speed reduced during bridge replacement. Est. comp. – 12/2017.
Route 60 (Andersonville AHQ) – Crew will repair asphalt.
Andersonville AHQ- Crew will repair shoulders.
Various – Crews will cut brush, work surfaces and respond to customer concerns.

Campbell County:
Routes 29 & 460 – Crews will work on ramp lights.
Route 601 over Entry Creek (756-645) – Road will be closure from April 10-May 19 for culvert replacement. Detour via 756 and 600.

Charlotte County:
Route 40 over Louse Creek – Use caution during bridge project. Est. completion July 2017.
Routes 47 & 360 – Signal work will result in outage of intersection warning flashers and STOP sign flashing beacons. Message boards will alert motorists during these operations.
Craftons Gate AHQ – Crew will install mainline/driveway pipe and boom ax.
Phenix AHQ – Crew will trim trees.
Various – Crews will boom ax, work shoulders and surfaces and respond to customer requests.

Cumberland County:
Route 600 over Green Creek (Rt 653-657) – Road closed from 3/6-6/9 for structure replacement. Detour via 653, 638, 45 and 657.
Various – Crews will cut brush, work ditches, shoulders and surfaces and respond to customer requests.

Halifax County:
Routes 360 @ 47 & 501 @ 658 – Crews will address sign work orders over several weeks.
Route 501, Cluster Springs AHQ – Crew will chip brush.
Route 667 over Bye Creek ( Rt. 753-57) – Road closed for substructure repairs from Feb. 27 – Mar. 17, weather permitting. Detour via routes 753 and 57.
Route 707 over Coleman Creek (Rt. 718-658) – Road will be closed from Feb. 13 – June 2 for structure replacement. Detour via routes 718 and 658.
Bethel and Cluster Springs AHQs – Crews will work surfaces.
Bethel AHQ– Crew will boom ax.
Various –Crews will work shoulders and respond to customer requests.

Greenview Drive widening- Changes in traffic pattern during project. Completion- July 2017.
Route 29/460 Corridor eastbound/westbound from Concord Turnpike to Candlers Mtn Rd: Speed reduced to 45 mph for construction throughout the corridor.
Route 29/460 (501-29)– Construction traffic entering/exiting roadway. Weather permitting, lane closures may be in place from 9 pm, Friday to 6 am, Sunday, excluding holiday weekends until further notice. Use caution. Est. comp. 11/16/17. Speed reduced to 45 mph.
Route 29/460 (Odd Fellows Rd Int. and Odd Fellows Rd.)– Construction traffic entering/exiting roadway. Temporary lane closures on 460 & Odd Fellows likely; Odd Fellows & Mayflower may be closed during roundabout construction. Est. comp. 8/3/18. Speed reduced to 45 mph.
Route 460, area of LU campus – LU/English Const. bridge project. Crews plan to set girders over Rt 460 during the week of March 14-17. Nightly lane closures east- and westbound, as well as traffic stoppages of up to 15 minutes will take place from 7 pm to 6 am.

Nelson County:
Route 151 & 635 , Route 6 & 638 int. – Intersections improvements. Traffic control devices and flaggers will direct traffic. Expect delays. Estimated completion October 16, 2017.

Pittsylvania County:
Route 29 S over Norfolk-Southern RR –Bridge replacement. Rt. 29/803 connection temporarily relocated. Southbound traffic detoured to northbound lane. Girders will be set beginning Feb. 27. This work will require “slow roll” traffic control for approximately 20 minutes per beam. Est. comp. 6/20/17.
Route 40, Gretna AHQ – Crew will install mainline pipe for turning lane at hospital.
Route 638 over Reed Creek – Closed from 8 am to 5 pm on March 13015 for geology work. Detour via 640, 685, 646, 642 & 634.
Route 662 over Sandy Creek – Closed from 8 am to 5 pm on March 16, 17 & 20 for geology work. Detour via 701 and 640.
Route 682 over Shokoe Creek( 686-1094) – Road closed April 3-May 12 for culvert replacement. Detour via 686 to 640.
Route 761 (600-639) – Road closed for bridge replacement. Detour via routes 600, 602 and 601. Completion – 12/4/17.
Route 903 over Whitethorn Creek (Rt. 995-676) – Road closed March 6-31 for bridge superstructure replacement. Detour US 29.
Brosville AHQ – Crew will work ditches and repair shoulders.
Gretna AHQ – Crew will apply stone around mailboxes.
Gretna, Kentuck and Rondo AHQs – Crews will trim trees.
Various –Crews will work surfaces, boom ax and respond to customers.

Prince Edward County:
Route 360 – Travel lane may be restricted during shoulder work.
Various – Crews will work surfaces, cut brush, clean roadsides and ditches, and respond to customer requests.

District-wide activities:
Guardrail maintenance – Crews will do guardrail maintenance.
Latex Microsurfacing – Crews will perform latex microsurfacing at various locations.
Pavement messaging – Crews will work at various locations.
Pipe rehabilitation – Crews will work on pipes at various locations.


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