Amherst : FINAL UPDATE : MOUNT PLEASANT FIRE – 95% Contained (11.29.16 – 9:30 AM)


Mount Pleasant Scenic Area
Amherst County, Virginia

Good news out of Amherst in this final update from the wildfires that had been burning for well over a week. In the last of the briefings from the US Forestry Service, the fire is now 95% contained as of Tuesday morning. With around an inch of rain falling by Tuesday at noon and more on the way, the threat appear to be over.

Below the last briefing, verbatim, on the fire.

Mount Pleasant Fire
Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 9:30

Contact: Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger Districts
Containment: 95%
Cause: Unknown
Protection: Amherst County
Location: Mount Pleasant Scenic Area, Thrasher’s Creek Community
Ownership: USDA Forest Service, George Washington & Jefferson National Forests Glenwood and Pedlar Ranger Districts
Start Date: Saturday November 19th, 2016 approx. 06:15 PM
Type of Incident: Wildfire
Size: 11,229 Acres
Resources: Engines: 4, Hand Crews: 2 IA Modules, Bulldozers: 1, Helicopters: 1, Overhead Personnel: 3, Total Personnel: 40

Yesterday, fire resources continued providing structure protection, patrolling containment lines and mopping-up. Some much needed rain fell over the fire area overnight. The weather forecast is for scattered rain continuing through Wednesday.

Command of the fire will transition from Incident Commander Dave Hamilton’s Montana Department of Natural Resources Type 3 County Assist Team to a type 4 organization led by Incident Commander Chris Henrie Wednesday morning at 7:00 a.m. Resources remaining on the fire will continue to mop-up and patrol in the coming days.

On behalf of the firefighters, their agencies and the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation County Assistance Team Incident Commander David Hamilton, we thank everyone from the community that supported the efforts for the Mount Pleasant fire. We also want to express our appreciation for the efforts of the Glenwood/Pedlar Ranger District, Virginia Department of Forestry, and Pedlar Fire Department for their initial attack for the first couple of days under difficult firefighting conditions. Their efforts helped us achieve success. Thank You to everyone!

Virginia Department of Transportation has opened both the North Fork Road (SR635) and Thrasher’s Creek Road (SR617). Forest Service road closures are still in effect as crews continue mop up operations.
Road Closures:
· The Mount Pleasant National Scenic Area is temporarily closed due to fire activities. All roads and trails within the Scenic Area are temporarily closed including
· Wiggins Spring Road/Hog Camp Gap Road (FR #48) is closed from the junction at State Route 634 (Coffeytown Road) through to Salt Log Gap
· Coon Bridge Road (FR #1167)
· Cow Camp Road (FR #520)
· Fletcher Mountain Road (FR #507)
Trail Closures:
· Appalachian National Scenic Trail (FT #1) from Long Mountain Wayside to Salt Log Gap
· Old Hotel Trail (FT #515)
· Henry Lanum Trail (FT #702)
· Mt. Pleasant Trail (FT #704)


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