Nelson : Basic Necessities Crew Makes It To France! (Updated – Monday 9.12.16)

Basic Necessities founder and co-owner (center in white shirt and glasses -sitting) talks with some of the locals and guests on the trip to Provence.
Photo By Mae Collins Tyree : The crew of Basic Necessities in Nellysford is joined by friends in Provence after their arrival a day or so ago.
Photo By Mae Collins Tyree : The crew of Basic Necessities in Nellysford is joined by friends in Provence after their arrival a day or so ago.

Provence, France

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Back in early 2016 we told you about an effort underway to send most of the staff at Basic Necessities in Nellysford to Provence.
See our story below in the January 2016 edition.

Everyone pitched in to make it happen and this past week they took off for the trip. Basic Necessities founder, Kay Pfaltz, makes several trips to France each year. She’s along on this trip as well.

Basic Necessities founder and co-owner (center in white shirt and glasses -sitting) talks with some of the locals and guests on the trip to Provence.
Basic Necessities founder and co-owner (center in white shirt and glasses -sitting) talks with some of the locals and guests on the trip to Provence.

Not to worry, Kristin Hill (left) and Clara Wilson are two of the staff behind at Basic Necessities taking care of things while the other crew is in France.
Not to worry, Kristin Hill (left) and Clara Wilson are two of the staff behind at Basic Necessities taking care of things while the other crew is in France.

The crew will be there for several more days before returning late next week.

We’ll be updating you more on their adventures in the coming days!


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