Beech Grove – Nelson Rotary Club holds annual picnic @ Wintergreen Winery


    Photography by Tommy Stafford
    Nelson County Life Magazine – Copyright 2007
    Beech Grove, Virginia

    Though thunderstorms were looming in the distance, that didn’t stop members of the Nelson Rotary Club from holding their annual picnic and awards supper at Wintergreen Winery Thursday evening. Other than a shower at the very end of the supper it was a perfect night along banks of the Rockfish River.

    Above members and guests chow down!

    Members and invited guests pose above for their awards picture. These people were recognized for their service above and beyond to the organization. From left to right, Jim Hall (incoming Rotary president for 2007-08), Mona Kaufmann, Bill Howard (current & outgoing Rotary president), Foxie Morgan, Richard Morgan, Shirley Greer, Bob Greer, Bob Ward.


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