Alpha Phi Omega Continues Work At Rockfish Valley Community Center


Afton, Virginia
As we told you last week, members of UVa’s Alpha Phi Omega – The University’s only coed service fraternity – began work on the old Rockfish School building as part of its community service project. Though it rained nearly 2 inches during the first part Saturday, about 100 volunteers from APO showed up to work.

Photos By Tommy Stafford :In spite of the rain, APO volunteers from UVa's only co-ed fraternity, returned Saturday to continue work at RVCC.
Photos By Tommy Stafford : In spite of the rain, APO volunteers from UVa's only co-ed fraternity, returned Saturday to continue work at RVCC.
Volunteers from APO work on that will be a covered picnic area at RVCC.
Volunteers from APO work on that will be a covered picnic area at RVCC.
Inside, in the gym, crews were busy assembling pieces that would be installed outside.
Inside, in the gym, crews were busy assembling pieces that would be installed outside.

RVCC was chosen as the fraternity’s Fall service project, which means the Community Center is getting lots of needed repairs and improvements, like a courtyard, painting the entrances, putting in a sidewalk for the treasure chest and more.

Here a volunteer chisels on one of the posts to be used in the construction.
Here a volunteer chisels on one of the posts to be used in the construction.

APO members assemble trusses that will be used in the roof of the outdoor pavilion.

APO members assemble trusses that will be used in the roof of the outdoor pavilion.
You can see from the foot traffic into the building, just how nasty the day was!
You can see from the foot traffic into the building, just how nasty the day was!

The group will be back to finish up the project in the coming days as weather permits. Thanks to APO for this fantastic and valuable contribution to RVCC!


  1. This weekend I had the pleasure of seeing the army of Alpha Phi Omega invade RVCC and work very hard at various tasks. The group was couteous and seemed to be having a good time while achieving some real results.Thanks so much for helping out!


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