NCHS Fine Arts Department : District One Act Play Festival : October 25th 2008


The Advanced Drama group and the Fine Arts Department at NCHS are hosting the VHSL Dogwood District One Act play festival this Saturday October 25th at Nelson County High School in the new auditorium.
Free Admission!!!
Please come early, as the doors will be locked at the start of each play. We may get ahead of schedule, so come as soon as you can

We are planning for a great day of theatre! Come support us if you can!

10:00 am Dan River High School presents A Woman Called Truth

10:45 am William Campbell High School presents The Good Body (contains mature themes)

11:30 am Gretna High School presents Skid Marks

12:15-1:00 pm Lunch Break/load out AM shows, load in, stage walk
thru & tech run for PM shows

1:00 pm Appomattox County High School presents Competition Piece

1:45 pm Nelson County High School presents Of Widows and Vegetables

2:30 pm Galileo Magnet School presents The Cry of Crows

3:15 pm Break, snacks available

4:30-ish Judges Adjudication/Awards


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