Nelson Sheriff Brooks Retains Seat After Recount

©2011 : Photo By Tommy Stafford : Incumbent Sheriff David Brooks at Thursday's recount of his November 8th election. Brooks will retain his seat after a recount was completed and showed him picking up additional votes.

Nelson County, Virginia

As we first told you here earlier in the day Thursday, a recount was being held in the Noveber 8th Sheriff’s race in Nelson County. NCL can confirm the recount is completed and Nelson Sheriff Brooks has won the recount. Nelson County Election Registrar, Jackie Britt, notified NCL just moments ago to confirm the final totals:

W. David Brooks – 2613
Mac E. Bridgwater, Jr. – 2599

Bridgwater also picked up some votes and we are working to get those final numbers to post.

As of this post, the three circuit judges charged with overseeing the recount are now filling out paperwork and certifying the recount.

More shortly.


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