Missoula Children’s Theater At Tye River Elementary

Photos By East Nelson County Photographer Victoria Mininger : The cast of The Secret Garden takes a bow this past Friday night at Tye River Elementary School.

Nelson County, Virginia

Through the efforts of Wintergreen Performing Arts and the Nelson County Schools Gifted Program the acclaimed Missoula Children’s Theater made and appearance last week at Tye River Elementary School in Arrington. They came to Tye River last Monday October 3rd and , auditioned for the 59 parts, cast and then began rehearsals. The show was then performed Friday afternoon for the Tye River kids and staff and a public performance Friday evening at the High School at 7:00. The MCT dates back to 1970 and has been touring internationally, holding Performing Arts Camps, a strong local children’s season ever since.

Anna Mininger as Mary Lennox and Matt Loehrke (Tour Actor/Director) as Detective Del, P.I.
Will Yagel as a crow and one of the Moor folk. The Robin (played by Ashleigh Breighner) and a moor folk sheep listen in.
Colin Craven (Played by Griffin Hill) speaks with Doctor Craven (Played by Matthew Crowder)
Tye River Students
The sast sings a final song together.

Missouli Children’s Theater on the web: http://www.mctinc.org/


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